
What does the Winter bring, if not yet another Spring? (More obscure references, that’s what.)

I am in the process of putting together a Spring summary, which is delayed because of work, travel and real life. If you are aching for a summary, then there are several other Spring charts floating around the internets that provide a good overview. I hope to get one out in a few days, either way.

  • Kuroshitsuji is in July.
  • Strike Witches is not airing this season.
  • Sekirei is not airing this season.
  • Black Rock Shooter is an OVA.
  • Even if movies are apparently “released” on a certain date, they are usually in theatres and so won’t be released online anywhere near the date.
  • 2000-2009 charts are coming along somehow

Enjoy Winter.

~ by Chartfag on February 7, 2010.

11 Responses to “blegh”

  1. Blackrock Shooter is an OVA :( that was definitely disappointing

  2. It’s me or It would be useful I someone do a DVD releasing of movies pictures. Because when DVD version are released they use to be used for fansubs

    • I would do this for sure, if there were some sort of compilation of movie DVD releases around, but so far I haven’t found one, and any movie lists I can find do a good job of not distinguishing between theater and DVD releases, meaning they’re fairly pointless.

      • For myself I have seen just 3 dates in movies this year and the past one. Evangelion 2nd one. Eden of the east 1st one and naruto one.

        For doing something like a list it would be needed a lot of people in a blog or a livejournal community.

  3. Black rock shooter is ONLY an OAV for sure :'( ? Geez, what a disapointment…

  4. >Sekirei is STILL not airing this season.
    This makes me a sad panda.

    • You’re not the only one. First they said it would come out in Winter 2009/2010, then they said April 2010. Now what, do we have to wait for 2011?

  5. Serenade ftw. Having said that, fuck NO at BRS being an OVA. Serious dissapointment there. Having to wait months for a new episode is not cool, and it probably won’t contain the 13 episodes I was expecting.

    Guess some things are too good for life.

  6. I love Kamelot, but please stop calling it obscure. It isn’t really.

    help you with your spring 2010 chart

  8. Check!!!

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